Danielle Brustman is a designer working with a rich syntax of colour to conceive interiors and furniture that challenge our perception of private and public space.
She graduated from RMIT in 2001 with a Bachelor of Arts ( Interior Design) Prior to establishing her interior design studio in 2012, Brustman worked as a theatre designer collaborating with some of Australia’s most celebrated companies. Her installations and design work have been presented at Melbourne International Arts Festival ( 2012 ), Dark Mofo Festival , Hobart ( 2015 ): National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne ( 2018 & 2021): Salon DelMobile , Milan ( 2019) , and Melbourne Design Week ( 2020 , 2021 & 2022 ). Brustman’s installation Coloured in, along with her Chromatic Fantastic cabinets and wall light were recently on display as part of the NGV Triennnial 2020. Her installation _Inner – Terior _was a finalist in the Rigg Design Prize 2018 at NGV Australia. Danielle was recently a finalist in the Australian Furniture Design Award with a new work , ‘ Meteorite’ a 4.2m high lighting sculpture. Danielle Brustman’s Melbourne based studio encompasses a broad spectrum of practice, from residential interiors and commercial design for the hospitality and retail sectors through to furniture, lighting and object design.
Perry Street Building
Collingwood Yards
Collingwood, 3066